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Career Coaching


Looking for your first job or a career move? The recruitment process can be daunting and its never been more competitive. Career coaching supports you all the way; enabling you to step back and reflect on your aspirations, strengths and interests; help you rebrand yourself by developing a winning CV and LinkedIn profile, refocusing your job search, honing your interview skills and offering invaluable job hunting tips.


Wanting to get back to work? There are many reasons people take a career break; some chosen such as a sabbtical or parental leave, some breaks are imposed for health reasons, caring for a loved one or redundancy. Coaching can help you refocus on what you want, rebuild your confidence and identify those transferable skills to get you back on the career path.


Time to move on and up? Coaching can help you clarify your long-term career goals and identify the steps you need to take to succeed. Supporting you to review your current situation in terms of experience, strengths and motivation. Through coaching you will explore how you need to develop and what actions you need to take to create the opportunities to achieve your aspirations.


Redundancy is a major transition and the impact on confidence, self esteem, relationships are often underestimated. Coaching provides a vital support at this time helping you to recognise your emotions and decide on your next steps. Do you want to continue on the same career path or take a new direction? Career coaching helps you to evaluate you skills, focus your job search and prepare for selection.


Relocationing to a new role, changing organisation, moving to a different sector or industry or from employment to self-employment? All these scenarios whether imposed of chosen require adapting, being flexible, resilient, learning new skills and building new relationships. Coaching can help you focus on what's really happening, how to cope with change ensuring a smooth transition.


One of the biggest transitions in life we will make is retiring. It is a time of significant readjustment, which can lead to feelings of lack of purpose and loss of identity. This can impact on relationships and day to day motivation and yet is should be an exciting time. Coaching can be a huge support at this time; exploring your feelings and putting together practical plans for an enjoyable and fulfilling retirement.

" You can retire from a job, but don't ever retire from making extremely meaningful contributions in life."

-Stephen Covey

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